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Art. 1
The "Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Forense" (A.I.F.) is established with (pro-tempore) address in via del Parco Margherita n. 30. This non-profit making Association has the following institutional objectives:
Art. 2
The financial properties of the Association are composed of:
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subscription fees; |
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ordinary reserve fund and the surplus income; |
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any donation received by the Association; |
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any incentives provided by public or private bodies, or by individuals, ruled by the national and regional laws or regulations. |
Art. 3
Individuals, legal entities, associations and bodies, sharing the Association's objectives, can become members. The admission to the Association is not allowed on a temporary basis, except in case of withdrawal as clarified hereinafter. All members have equal rights. Those wishing to become members should submit a written form to the Executive Board providing the following information:
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first name, second name, date and place of birth, residence or domicile, national insurance number; |
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information concerning the performed professional activity; |
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a declaration stating the commitment to adhere with all the rules of this statute and decisions taken by the directive organs of the Association. |
The Executive Board rules, without appeal, on the admission of new members. A non-admission deliberation does not require any motivation since the Executive Board has the discretionary power to make this judgement.
Membership can be interrupted by withdrawal, forfeiture, exclusion or due to the death of the member.
A member can withdraw from the Association when he is no longer able to contribute to the achievement of its objectives. The Executive Board has the power to declare if the motivations for a legitimate withdrawal exist.
The executive Board declares members' forfeiture in case of interdiction or legal incapacitation.
The exclusion from the association must be deliberated by the Executive Board in case the member:
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does not adhere to the rules of the statute, to the regulations or to the decisions legally adopted by the organs of the Association; |
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is in arrears in the payment of the Association's fees or of any sum due to the Association; |
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causes in any way sever damage to the Association, even of moral nature, or instigates quarrels or prejudicial disturbance within the Association. |
The decisions regarding withdrawal, forfeiture or exclusion must be communicated to the interested subjects, by means of a registered letter with return receipt requested.Those members who have withdrawn, have forfeited their membership or have been excluded, are not entitled to any refund of their Membership fee and are not allowed to lay any claim on the financial properties of the Association.
The following grading system applies to the members of the Association:
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Founding Members |
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Honorary Members |
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Ordinary Members |
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Collective Members |
Founding Members are those who have effectively and materially contributed to the constitution, organization and development of the Association.
Honorary members are those who, in virtue of their social and cultural role, are in a position to or have already contributed to strengthening, in extraordinary and significant terms, the organization and the development of the Association; those members are nominated by the Executive Board.
Ordinary Members are individuals enrolled on the basis of the rules established by this Statute.
Public or Private Bodies, Associations, Scientific and Technical Organizations can apply to become Collective Members;
Any Member, regardless his category, has the right to vote the decisions taken by the Assembly, including those concerning modifications to the Statute and the Regulations, as well as the election of the directive organs of the Association.
Art. 4
The following organs are identified within the Association:
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the Assembly of the Members; |
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the Executive Board; |
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the President; |
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The Financial Reviewers' Board |
Art. 5
The Assembly can be called by the President. In order for the the meeting and the related deliberation to be valid, following the first call, a minimum of half of the members must be present or represented. The deliberations must be made on the basis of the majority of the votes. Following the second call, the Assembly will be valid regardless the number of members or votes and will deliberate based on simple majority. In order to vote modification proposals to the Statute, at least two thirds of the members will be required to provide the aye votes. The Assembly will be called at least once a year. It is for the Assembly to deliberate on the following matters:
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approval of the final balance an of the financial plan; |
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election of the Directive Board; |
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election of the Financial Reviewers' Board; |
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approval and modification of the Statute and of the Regulations; |
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any other matter the Executive Board deems appropriate for the Assembly consideration; |
The Assembly is called by means of a written notice sent to each member at least eight days before the date arranged for the meeting. The registered letter or the e-mail must provide the place, the day and the time for the meeting, for the first and second call, as well as an agenda. Every Member can be represented by another Member. Any member has the right to one vote and can represent up to two Members.
Art. 6
The Executive Board is composed of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven members, remains in office for three years and can be re-elected.
The Executive Board is entitled to elect the President. In case, during the mandate, one or more members of the Executive Board become not available, the Executive Board will co-opt new members replacing those who have become unavailable; co-opted members will remain in office until the first meeting, during which they may be confirmed until the Directive Board that has appointed them expires.
The Directive Board is invested with all the ordinary and extraordinary powers concerning the management of the Association, with the exception of those powers that the law or the statute reserve to the Assembly.
The Directive Board is in charge of:
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the preparation of the financial plan and the final balance to be presented for approval to the Assembly; |
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the determination of the subscription fees; |
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defining the modalities for raising funds required for the ordinary and extraordinary administration expenses; |
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nomination of the scientific committees or any other organ deemed necessary for the Association's activity, establishing the corresponding tasks, the possible fees, in accordance to the rulings of D.Leg. 4.12.1997 n.460 art. 10, paragraph 6, letter e). |
The Directive Board shall adopt the measures by a qualified majority of his members. It is called by the President or by one-third of his components.
The Directive Board is called at least eight days before the meeting by means of a written communication, by letter, fax or e-mail. For urgent matters, the convocation can be made, by the same means, at least two working days before the date of the meeting.
However, in case all the members are present, the Directive Board is considered validly constituted and able to pass on the agenda regardless the fulfilment of the above formalities.
The Members of the Directive Board and the President are entitled to request a refund for the expenses sustained while performing their duties.
Art. 7
The President is given power of attorney by the Association and represents it towards third parties or before a court; he executes the deliberations of the Directive Board.
Art. 8
The Financial Reviewers' Board is appointed by the Assembly if deemed necessary. This is composed of three members with adequate professional qualifications who are not necessarily members of the association. They are in charge of verifying the correct implementation of the managerial activities in accordance to the law and the Statute rulings. They prepare an annual report in occasion of the final balance approval.
Art. 9
Their office ends on December 31 of each year. The directive Board will submit to the Assembly, by April 30 of the following year, the final balance for the previous year and, by December 31, the financial plan for the following year. Any profit or surplus income will be solely used for the activities described in Art. 2. Profits, surplus income, funds, reserve funds or capital will not be distributed, not even indirectly, during the life of the Association, unless the assignment or distribution are imposed by the law or done in favour of socially useful NPOs that by law, statute or regulation, belong to the same and unitary structure.
Art. 10
The Association can terminate in accordance to the modalities described in art. 27 of the civil code (c.c.):
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when the financial properties are not sufficient for the set objectives; |
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for the other reasons described in art. 27 c.c. |
Should the Association terminate for any reason, the financial properties will be donated to another non-profit socially useful organization or for an association having public utility, following the approval of the control body defined by art. 3 paragraph 190 of law n. 662 dated December 23, 1996 and unless otherwise imposed by any law valid at the time of termination.
Art. 11
Matters not addressed in this statute are ruled by the Civil Code ant the specific sector laws.
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